Photo gallery of the 2012 Quebec student movement against the government's proposed rise in university tuition fees. Copied to clipboard Quebec Canada students universities Quebec student strike 2012 Comments
The Black Square Manifesto An anarchist manifesto published on Wednesday, 16th March at the beginning of the 2012 Quebec student general strike.
The strike of the general assembly: an interview with Nicolas Phebus A 2005 interview with Nicolas Phebus of the Collectif Anarchiste La Nuit (NEFAC-Quebec City)…
Snapshots of the student movement in Montreal At the bottom of this article are links for how your trade union or community group can support the students’ struggle. That will help…
The history of the Quebec student movement and combative unionism An article by Jerome Raza on the history of student syndicalism in Quebec and the conditions which…
Anarchopanda, can I have a hug please? x A fan blog for a very nice panda struggling in Quebec for free education and a free society.
Solidarity to the students of Quebec! A statement of solidarity from Iowa's Wild Rose Collective to the student strikes in Quebec.